Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twas the Week Before Christmas...

This week we are playing a new game called First to 100. Tonight we will be doing a "Game Night" where students can spend time playing with their families. Our targeted skill is solving algebraic equations and variables. We are wrapping up this week with map scales and measuring distances then converting to real mileages.
I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and a restful break!
We'll be back in January learning about Fractions!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Division Dash

Wow! We are finally wrapping up on division unit! The kids have come soooo far. (They all insisted 3 weeks ago they never did division last year, but I know better! :)) Now they are dividing with decimals, converting remainders to decimals, dividing with zeros, etc. I just finished grading a very hard quiz and was soooo pleased with the results. We will wrap up this week and spend next week reviewing the 1st semester stuff.

I'm really happy with tutoring this year. I had about 15 kids who stayed last week. If your kid is struggling, please take advantage of the free tutoring every Thursdays until 3:15.

We have learned 2 new games this month. Division dash and the Noodle games are both very fun and can easily be played at home. If you are looking for some quality time to spend with your kiddo, ask them to teach you at home. We will have game night on Thursday of this week.