Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twas the Week Before Christmas...

This week we are playing a new game called First to 100. Tonight we will be doing a "Game Night" where students can spend time playing with their families. Our targeted skill is solving algebraic equations and variables. We are wrapping up this week with map scales and measuring distances then converting to real mileages.
I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and a restful break!
We'll be back in January learning about Fractions!

Monday, December 08, 2008

Division Dash

Wow! We are finally wrapping up on division unit! The kids have come soooo far. (They all insisted 3 weeks ago they never did division last year, but I know better! :)) Now they are dividing with decimals, converting remainders to decimals, dividing with zeros, etc. I just finished grading a very hard quiz and was soooo pleased with the results. We will wrap up this week and spend next week reviewing the 1st semester stuff.

I'm really happy with tutoring this year. I had about 15 kids who stayed last week. If your kid is struggling, please take advantage of the free tutoring every Thursdays until 3:15.

We have learned 2 new games this month. Division dash and the Noodle games are both very fun and can easily be played at home. If you are looking for some quality time to spend with your kiddo, ask them to teach you at home. We will have game night on Thursday of this week.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Multiplication strategies

This week we are beginning 2 and 3 digit multiplication. Most parents will feel comfortable with the traditional algorithm that they learned as a child. Don't be surprised if your child comes home trying a new way called "lattice" multiplication. I learned this method a few years ago and really grew to love it. I will expose the kids to both and ultimately let them choose. Lattice works for those kids who are neat and can draw the boxes well. Regardless of the method they choose, it is really helpful if each parent will spend a few minutes each night to review the steps. Children can get lost in the process and really need some one on one time with a teacher or parent to master this important skill. I'm asking each parent to help out, since there is not enough of me to go around. Try 2 problems a night for a week and see if you notice an improvement.
Don't forget to be studying those multiplication facts each week, too. This is the most important and useful skill in math. It can either make or break the child in the upcoming middle school years.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Great Math Web Sites for Fun

If you are looking for some fun ways to get math practice, try the following math websites:
Also, don't forget your child has a password for www.EMgames.com
There is a video on my blog for how to log onto the website.

Friday, September 19, 2008

This is a short video on Factor Trees (Prime Factorization) and how to write a factor string. Mr. B has been doing Factor trees in music as well!

Monday, September 08, 2008

How do you do a Divisibility test?

This video shows examples of how to perform a divivibility test.

Divisibility rules/ Free tutoring

We are learning our divisibility rules for 2,5,10, 3,6, and 9. I have added a 2 minute video on how to perform a divisibility test applying these rules. This may be helpful to parents who are unsure how to help their child. Students will have a test on Friday.
Don't forget that I offer FREE tutoring every Thursday afternoon until 3:15. Students need to be picked up in the car rider line at 3:15.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1st week of school

This has been a great first week! The kids are very eager to learn and are excited to be back. We have been doing routines and procedures and introducing changing classes. We have also been doing some "get to know you" games. On Thursday, we will take a Math Pre-test to evaluate student's strengths and weaknesses.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Summer memories

We had a wonderful summer vacation! It was filled with lots of camping, biking, hiking and swimming. We enjoyed trips to Folly Beach, Dollywood, and Stone Mountain. My girls are at such a fun age, Faith is 7, Livie is almost 4 and Claire Joy is 2. Jason and I enjoyed spending our summer together. Our newest passion is Saduko contests. Too bad he beats me every time. It has become addictive!
I have started back to work this week and am excited to learn what a gifted group of math students I have! This makes me anticipate a great year!
This is my very first blog ever, as I am not the technology queen. I hope you will check back this year as I update with more information. I hope to post tutorials so that my parents can see how to do some math skills we are working on in class.